Read the article on Great Global Chefs
Last year, I won a writing competition where the prize was a week-long stay at Villa Cigano, in the heart of the Chianti region. I can’t think of a lovelier place to spend a week in the summer. Perched high up above the small town of Vagliagli, the villa looked out over the rolling Tuscan hillside. The crest of the ridges fell away from us, until at dusk, the faraway hills merged into the inky blue sky….
Foraging through my freezer is always entertaining. At the moment there’s a haunch of venison (wedding present), lamb shanks, ox tongue, ox cheeks, beef bones for stock, fish head for stock, frozen wine ice cubes……
Alpro Vanilla Yogurt with Prunes and Homemade Granola
“It’s all about fat, Rach” explained my brother over the summer, as he whipped up a 1/2 litre batch of Hollondaise which would get him through a week of breakfasts. “Seriously – cheese is good, carbs are bad” he explained. But with the arrival of autumn, he has moved away from the eggs and butter, and onto a spirulina instead….