Small is beautiful

[First published on Fish on Friday]

Chefs from 20 of the world’s best restaurants gathered in San Sebastián to pledge to serve the “perfect protein” to “save the oceans and feed the world”. Rachel Walker was there too.

A truly stellar gastronomic gathering

“The UN predicts that the world population will grow by 28%, from 7 billion today to over 9 billion in 2050.” That lone sentence flashes up on a screen in a full but silent auditorium in San Sebastián, the gastronomic capital of the Basque region at the northern end of Spain’s Atlantic coast. A second sentence follows. “It also estimates that the world must produce over 70% more food to meet expected greater demand.” A sobering thought…. 

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Sweet Potato in the Simmering Oven of an AGA | 3 Oven TC

From top left, clockwise:
2 hour sweet potato,
4 hour sweet potato,
6 hour sweet potato,
8 hour sweet potato.

My initial experiment with a sweet potato was accidental. I popped one in the simmering oven before heading out, not knowing exactly h0w it would behave. After a protracted amount of time in the pub, we came home not sure if we were going to greeted by something under-cooked or all gnardly. But we were greeted by absolute perfection…. 

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