It was only a few months ago that Thomas and I found ourselves in John Lewis, having a genuine conversation about an ‘Asiatic Pheasant‘ dinner service. Terrifying. Thankfully, we quickly realised what was happening, and went to the pub instead.
I’m sure that if we ever did anything grown up like getting a dinner service, then we’d smash a plate straight away, and never be able to find a replacement. So instead, I plan to embrace a mismatched dinner service, and pick up lovely plates as and when I see them. I’m particularly taken by this dessert plate from Street Anatomy which is a scan of human tissue from a testicle. Sadly the testicle plates are so popular they’re currently sold out. So here are some more favourites to inspire other eclectics.
From top left, clockwise
Strongman dinner plate, Dupenny, £24
Nature table plate praying mantis, Anthropologie, £16
The Tweedles, dinner plate from The Alice Collection, Eleanor Stuart, £37
Nature table dessert plate, Anthropologie, £16
‘Eat My Cake In My Pants’ side plate, Jimbob Art, £25
Johnny dinner plate, Donna Wilson, £22
I love Jimbob art I want all of the plates!