‘Top 7′ might seem like a random number. But I can assure you that there’s no randomness in this list. In an ongoing quest to find London butchers as brilliant as Joseph Morris in south Leicestershire, I am forever trying out new places thinking ‘maybe this will be the one.’…
The Drift: Flambé Menu
Lots of my friends work in The City. This is a annoying for a variety of reasons.
It’s annoying because I now know far more about insurance and reinsurance than I ever wanted to. It’s annoying because they get to go on corporate ski trips and I don’t. But most of all, it’s annoying because so many post-work drinks take place in The City….
Simpsons Tavern
The City seems to goes through various stages of evolution. In the ‘80s it was all cocaine and prostitutes… now it’s all super-food salads and cycling to work.
In my mind, most modern day City dwellers fall into one of these two groups though – the ‘80s throwbacks, (Stringfellows/Abacus) or the twenty-first century traders (Chop’d/Chrussh Juice Bar). The weird thing is that my boyfriend falls into neither. He’s in his own nineteenth century bubble….